Who created this network ? FEVIS

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FEVIS is the French structure that created the European Network that you are getting to know on this website. The Federation of Vocal and Instrumental Specialized Ensembles (FEVIS) is a collegial structure that represents French independent music ensembles. It gathers 106 members who play 10 centuries of repertoire from medieval to contemporary creation in about 3213 concerts (in 2012), for 1,3 million spectators. FEVIS was created in 1999, visit the website for more information.

The specificities of our members lie in:
– their will to remain authentic in regards to their very specific artistic idea
– a rhythm of activity built around music projects – often long term
– hiring independent musicians
– a permanent and professional administration located in France.

FACTS and FIGURES in our booklet :

Jacques Toubon : Independent ensembles, the third pillar of music life

“FEVIS ensembles, orchestras, choirs, small groups that do not hire musicians permanently are one of the three pillars of the music world in France, along with permanent orchestras and opera houses. This pillar is very specific due to its independence, mobility and determination for excellence. Musicians have gathered – sometimes for 40 years – around a personal artistic project that is driven by a singer, a musician or a conductor. The public subsidies received by our ensembles only represent a minor part of their budget, when most of their revenue comes from concert tickets and private funding. The figures of 2012 show 31% of subsidies and 69% of self- financing.
They create, produce and broadcast music that is less or not well represented in our music spectrum. Not only have they made baroque music popular and visible, but they also advocate for the performance of both early and contemporary music, which speaks for their determination to innovate.
While having very diverse shapes and sizes, they still represent a coherent, always renewed movement that has installed its originality and its state of mind within the world of performed and recorded music. If music has become extremely lively across the country and abroad, it owes it mainly to this movement, the heart of which is represented by the FEVIS federation.
The specialized instrumental and vocal ensembles have broadened the repertoire, renewed interpretations, trained and employed new musicians and appealed to a new audience.
Whatever their status is, they are in charge of an actual “public service” within music policies and they advocate for public authorities to better acknowledge the sector – an acknowledgment that is all the more necessary now that times are hard for securing funding for their wonderful projects.”