FIM and Pearle acted on the issue of instrument transportation last year. Indeed, the Passenger Rights directive is being revised and will be voted in the coming months by the European Parliament. The first step consisted in having a say in the proposed text. FIM organized a petition online on instrument transportation, which was signed by […]
Sweden, cross border social security – by Nikolaj de Fine Licht / Concerto Copenhagen
“A recent change in Swedish regulations of social security and taxation has led to an absurd situation where a Swedish citizen who works more than 15% of his total work hours in Sweden will cause any non-Swedish employer who contracts him/her on free-lance basis outside Sweden to be presented with an extra bill from the […]

Classical Next Vienna
FEVIS Europe Network will be attending Classical Next in Vienna this week ! Contact us to set up a meeting in order to introduce your ensemble or any intiative. We will be happy to tell you more about our music portal project of European independent ensembles, and our lobby and work as a network : […]
Withholding tax in Germany
The first document produced by the FEVIS Europe Network thanks to the contribution of its members is about withholding tax in Germany, which is the tax revenue that you might or might not pay while performing abroad. This document will help you understand how to avoid double taxation if possible, and if you cannot, how […]
Cappella Amsterdam – a partly “subsidized” ensemble in the Netherlands
Cappella Amsterdam is a good example of what is a partly subsidized music ensemble in the Netherlands. Find here the manager Anna Becker’s understanding of what it is to be an ensemble built as a “private initiative”, figures, development stages and budget. Have a look here : Download here. Photo credit- Annelies van der Vegt
Collegium Vocale Gent – a Belgian “mature” ensemble
This presentation will give you a good understanding of this Belgian ensemble. Find eveything you need to know regarding the development of Collegium Vocale Gent, repertoires, numbers of concerts, strategies, etc.Dowload here.
La Nuova Musica – a British “emerging” ensemble
Find here Julian Forbes’ presentation of La Nuova Musica, a British ensemble directed by Julian Forbes. It includes its stages of development, and some specific information about the UK musical landscape. Download here.
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