As stated in a previous article on taxation, the OECD income tax treaty model’s commentary was reviewed this year and has directly impacted article 17 that regulates withholding income tax for artists and sportsmen. This commentary is a text that explains to Member States the different options and stakes of articles included in the Tax Treaty […]

French ensembles : facts & figures
All you have ever wanted to know about French independent ensembles: their activities, staff costs, revenues including public ressources and private sponsors, export, average number of concerts, educational work…. Based on 2012 data, they also show trends and evolutions between 2010 and 2012. The summary of this 6 month – study is available in English […]
Artistic collaborations among ensembles
European ensembles have been working together for years. FEVIS Europe initiative is meant to encourage mobility, and artistic collaborations among European ensembles are part of it. Some members have been searching for direct ways to get in touch with European counterparts to build new co-productions and artistic projects. We have just opened a section […]
European Commission seminar on artists mobility
Following several issues faced by artists on the field, the EU has included in the Council work plan for Culture 2011-2014 a thematic seminar on artists’ mobility, social security and taxation. Many EU member states’ representatives, European Commission staff, and associations from the sector gathered for two days of work. Jacques Toubon, chairman of FEVIS, opened […]
June Newsletter 2014
Find here our June 2014 Newsletter, udaptes and new tools for our members and partners : events, classical next, best practice, visas, instruments…
a change in income tax abroad !
In the context of the work achieved by FEVIS members and their partners on withholding taxes while performing abroad, the participants to the October 3rd 2013 expert meeting in London have shared their experiences and learned from Dick Moleenar, tax expert from the Netherlands. Following this meeting, FEVIS sent its formal recommendations to European and […]
Tell them ! Public consultation on taxation and mobility
“The European Commission launched a public consultation and created an expert group in order to gather ideas on how to tackle any tax obstacles that hinder the cross-border activity of individuals in the Single Market. The expert group will bring together stakeholders to look principally at elements of direct taxation that may affect an individual’s cross-border activity in […]
Where are we on air passenger rights ? Vote last Feb 5th 2014
The European Parliament has voted on 5 February 2014 on proposals from the European Commission to strengthen passenger rights, and after the proposed amendments of the Transport commission of the Parliament (rapporteur MEP Georges BACH, Luxembourg). The voted text mentions the case of musical instruments, among other amendments. Below is the extracts of the initial European […]
Newsletter Spring 2014
Find here our Spring 2014 Newsletter, udaptes and new tools for our members and partners : events, classical next, best practice, visas, instruments…
2014 events – trainings, showcases…
2014 events are now online, feel free to visit our calendar. Among the key moments of our network, you will find – a work session on social contribution in regards to European mobility in Strasbourg on June 13th // Register – our Berlin conference on September 11th and 12th, in collaboration with REMA to meet with […]
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